This Saturday will see Sellas first Fiesta de la Burra (Donkey Fiesta). Like I was, you are probably asking yourself what in the name of all things equine is that all about?
Well, this is a fund raising activity being organized by the Sella Fiesta Commission. There will be music, food and drinks available and of course the main event.
My understanding is that part of the plaza Mayor (main square) is to have numbered squares painted on it, participants are then going to be invited to 'buy a square' (or more than one) and then at some point during the day (probably late morning) a donkey will be brought into the plaza. The donkey will then be restricted to the area where the squares have been painted on the floor and participants will have to wait (you're going to love this) until the donkey does a number 2. Whoever has bought the square where the donkey poo lands will be the winner!!!
UPDATE - 19/06/11

Once all 304 squares had been sold (approx 14:00) the donkey was led into the restricted area where we waited, and waited, and waited! This put me in mind of that old English saying, "You can lead a donkey to the square, but you cannot make it sh*t!" Eventually at about 19:30 she obliged and a winner was declared!
More photos / mas fotos - HERE / AQUI
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