Saturday, 17 March 2012

Puig Campana - Roldans Notch (El Tall de Roldán)

For as long as I care to remember whenever I have looked up at the Puig Campana mountain my focus has always been drawn to the notch and I have always said to myself, one day I'm going to stand in that bugger - well today was the day!

Terry Gifford and I left Sella at 08:30 this morning. Because we had pretty much no knowledge of the route, we had decided to carry a full climbing rack - just in case! This meant that we were both carrying packs that weighed in just short of 10Kg, which when you are just about to board a Ryanair flight feels heavy enough, let alone when you are about to do a total ascent of 1327m (4354ft)!

Map of the Route

Height Profile

We had perfect weather for our little excursion - blue sky and sunshine. We came up from the North side, parking just below the refuge. We then went up to the coll and then dropped back down into the gully for about 200m before starting our scramble (grade 2) up to the notch, which we reached 3 hours after leaving the car. We spent about half an hour in the notch which is an amazing place to be, it's sides towering about 200ft above you and stunning views towards the coast and then with a quick spin of the head equally stunning views inland. We returned by the same route which took about 2 and a half hours.

We don't know anyone else who has been into the notch but would be interested to hear from you if you have.

Me celebrating in the notch with a tot of brandy!

Terry feeling victorious!


  1. Hey well done both!

  2. Wow - You did it - Bloody marvellous - Congratulations from Anne and I.

  3. Well done, Martin! Glad you finally made it up there. Looks great. Hope you both had a great day. Jayne :-)

  4. Life in the old dog yet eh! I'll have to paint you in as a smudge on our mural (From Steve's panoramic photo taken from Duncan's place)Thankfully its all beyond me now.

    Mike & Carol

  5. Nice one Martin - good job!
