Monday, 24 September 2012

villagehouseinspain January Challenge 2013

The following video shows you where we are planning to go!

The question is will you be joining us?
The proposed date for our 2013 January Challenge is Saturday 19th January 12th January (new date). We will be starting early (before sunrise) from Font Moli (behind Finestrat village) and heading off straight up the Puig Campana mountain via the steep and direct path that follows the line of scree. However, once we reach a height of approx 1100m we will be turning left off the path and at this point our walk becomes a grade 2 scramble as we head up to Roldans Notch itself! After spending a bit of time in the notch we will be retracing our steps back down to the scree where we will continue up to the coll. From here those who want to feel that they really have 'Done the Puig' will head off to stand on the summit, before we all descend via the traditional route.

All in all it should be a great day out, and a relatively short walk (approx 13Km) but one that includes an approximate total ascent of 1500m!!!

Of course the main thing is that you will get to stand in Roldans Notch - a place where many would like to go, but few have!



  1. terry says August has been challenge enough - can´t wait for a January one!! x


  2. Cannot wait..... What is it??


    1. Patience - you'll find out!

      Hope you are OK

      MHS x

    2. I might be able to enter this challenge if I start to train now..:)

  3. The count-down - the suspense - the excitement - the final piece of the jig-saw - the music - the drama of the images - and now the - 2013 CHALLENGE - ROLDAN'S NOTCH - looks okay - a SCRAMBLE - no probs. Need fresh eggs though - THE COLL - ticked that box, but too foggy to see. 13 km - not much in miles - 1500 m. - just another mountain that's there - DO the PUIG - yeah, why not - start time 5am? - Oh No - not good in the mornings these days - what a shame! Good luck to all.


  4. Sounds just fine for a younger fitter person, think I might pass, again! Enjoy!


    1. Thanks Mike - we will!!!

      Hope you are both OK.


  5. Do you need any climbing experience or equipment to climb to the notch?

    1. In theory, no - the route into the notch would probably be classified as a U.K. grade 2 scramble. However, if you are thinking of attempting the notch then I would recommend that you either go with someone who has done it before, or if that is not possible, then go with someone who has climbing experience and take some climbing gear with you - if everything goes to plan, you will not need it, but, if it does not go to plan, then you may be very pleased that you have taken it!

      If you do decide to have a go - GOOD LUCK. let me know how you get on.

